Thursday, July 30, 2009

The summer is has flown by. At the time of my last post I was focused on swinging flies for steelhead. Since then carp season has come and gone, smallies, many hatches and now the migratory fish are beginning to return. I am finding myself somehow becoming more of a spey fisherman. It just so happens that my favorite waters (The mighty St Mary's, near Sault Ste Marie) are conducive to throwing the long lines. I have found no other river as challenging and potentially rewarding. I have struggled with spey casting and it has become part of the appeal. I have not been able to pick up the rod, throw some line out and slay them as with the single hand rod. I have also noticed that my hobbies are taylored to my surroundings. In Michigan the migratory fish are plenty and the spinnerfalls (with feeding fish) few. Thus enters carping, smallies and the spey rod. I am not forgetting my dry dropper roots, just growing some new ones of the two handed variety. EJ